KDF-A073 52 Selected Hymns for the Solo Performer
1. Of the Father’s Love Begotten
2. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent

3. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Free shipping worldwide!
4. Great is Thy Faithfulness
5. Be Thou My Vision
6. Eternal Father, Strong to Save
7. There is Power in the Blood
8. Are You Washed
9. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
10. Old Rugged Cross
11. My Tribute
12. Were You There?
13. There’s Something About That Name
14. He is Lord
15. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
16. In the Garden
17. Lily of the Valley
18. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
19. He Lives
20. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
21. His Name is Wonderful
22. Blessed Be the Name 23. I Love You, Lord
24. Majesty
25. Oh, How I Love Jesus
26. Alleluia
27. Praise Him! Praise Him!
28. Sweet, Sweet Spirit
29. Spirit of the Living God
30. I Surrender All
31. I Have Decided
32. Just As I Am
33. Softly and Tenderly
34. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
35. Blessed Assurance
36. Rock of Ages
37. Jesus Loves Me – Jesus Loves the Little Children –
He’s Got the Whole World
38. Faith of Our Fathers
39. This is the Day
40. We Have Come Into His House
41. Because He Lives
42. It is Well With My Soul
43. ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
44. I’ve Got Peace Like a River
45. Victory in Jesus
46. Heaven Came Down
47. Sweet Hour of Prayer
48. Trust and Obey
49. There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
50. Seek Ye First
51. All to Thee
52. Shall We Gather at the River

Unaccompanied solo book for the instrumental artist or for study by the performing student!
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